SolutionsATI WalkMe Learning
SolutionsATI WalkMe Dashboard
Steps to Build and Publish WalkMe Content
  1. Meet with the requestor and understand his or her needs.
  2. Note: Always record the session for future reference. Paste the recording in a shared Smartsheet (or any other boards) used to discuss with the team.

  3. Evaluate suitability and business needs for the WalkMe content.
  4. Use the Pre-Builders Check List if needed.
  5. Find a SME on the client's team who can help you with the content, test environment and with whom you can periodically review your work with.
  6. Decide on what needs to be built and map it out.
  7. Use the Building a WalkThru deck for basic layout and resources to start building your content.
  8. Use the Builder Check List while building the WalkMe content. Ensure proper WalkMe and brand language standards are met.
  9. Check for the necessary approvals and see if it can be pushed to the test environment. See the Approvals document.
  10. Self QA the Walkthru content. Refer the QA slides for assistance.
  11. Have someone on the team QA your work. Ensure they use the QA sheet.
  12. Demo it to the clients/stakeholders and get the required approvals and sign-off
  13. Publish to Production!